NGO was founded aiming to help aged people


We aim to provide devoted friendship, love, care & smile


Our clients are happy with our services, quality and price

About Us

“Antorik Sonjog”- a newly formed NGO in Assam aims to provide care, love, happiness and laughter to the lonely senior citizens, to enhance their quality of life and give them a purpose to live.

Most of the senior citizens spend time alone at home. This is because their children either stay in different cities/countries due to job commitments or stay in the same house but are full time working people. Even if they are surrounded by grandchildren, the children stay occupied with their studies, homework, or are engaged in different activities after school/college hours on a daily basis.  This is a common scenario which can be seen in almost every household. As a result of this, the senior citizens spend lonesome time with no good accompany round the clock.  They are seen reminiscing their lost old days alone, or even remembering their children and grandchildren and weeping alone in silence. They have no one to talk to or even share their feelings with.

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Our Mission

Our basic mission is to be the connecting bridge between the opulent lonely senior citizen and the underprivileged aged section of people in the society so that both the parties lead a happy and a healthy life.

The NGO would thrive to enable aged people to lead a healthy, happy
and a good quality life. We aim to achieve this through providing a good and dependable full-time friendly services to aged people. We aim to eradicate loneliness which is the most vulnerable thing during old age.

Our Vision

Antorik Sonjog as an NGO in Guwahati is committed to the pursuit of excellence through high quality services, and empowered employees to provide the highest level of satisfaction to its customers.

Our vision is to be a leading NGO in Assam by providing high quality, affordable and loyal services to senior citizens.

About The President

Born in Sivasagar, Namti educated in Jorhat and Dibrugarh, and presently based in Guwahati, Papori Soukadhara Barthakur has been working relentlessly to spread awareness about the need to spend some more time with the elderly for the last couple of years through her novel initiative. Although she started her professional career as a lawyer in Dibrugarh, the legalese and the attendant subtleties of the profession could not satisfy her longing for doing something different for the benefit of the common people. She later on shifted to the corporate world and gathered valuable experience in reputed companies like ICICI and Bajaj Allianz in Jorhat. Finally she came and settled in Guwahati and started working in Mono Motor Works – a Maruti authorized service station. In spite of the pressure of a demanding job, she kept her academic aspiration alight and completed her MBA in Human Resource Management. Currently she is holding the position of HR Manager...  Read More

বুঢ়া বুঢ়া গোন্ধ

Partha Sarathi Mahanta

Partha Sarathi Mahanta,Joint Commissioner of Police (Guwahati)has dedicated this poem to Antorik Sonjog.


পাপৰি সৌকাধৰা বৰঠাকুৰৰ 'আন্তৰিক সংযোগ' নামৰ এই প্ৰতিস্হানটিয়ে আগবঢ়োৱা সেৱাই বহুতকে উপকৃত কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হৈছে। মোৰ মাতৃ শ্ৰীযুতা লীলা শৰ্মাৰ বাবে দিয়া মাৰ প্ৰায় সমবয়সীয়া 'বেলা মন্দল' নামৰ এই মানুহগৰাকীয়ে মাক অকলশৰীয়া অনুভৱ কৰিবলৈ নিদিয়াকৈ অতি সুন্দৰ ভাৱে আৱৰি আছে।অকলশৰীয়া বয়সস্হলোকক সংগ দিয়াৰ উদ্দেশ্যে আৰম্ভ কৰা আন্তৰিক সংযোগৰ এই প্ৰচেষ্টাৰ আন্তৰিক শলাগ লোৱাৰ লগতে প্ৰতিস্হানটিৰ উত্তৰোত্তৰ কামনা কৰিলো।

দেৱাশীষ শৰ্মা

আয়ুক্ত,গুৱাহাটী পৌৰ নিগম

মোৰ দৰে অকলে থকা মানুহৰ বাবে 'আন্তৰিক সংযোগ' নামৰ এই স্বেচ্চাসেৱী অনুষ্ঠানটোৱে লোৱা প্ৰচেষ্টা অতিকৈ শলাগিবলগীয়া।মোৰ দৈন্যন্দিন জীৱনৰ প্ৰতিটো মূহুৰ্ত এতিয়া ভাগ হয় তেওঁলোকে দিয়া মানুহগৰাকী  লগত।নিসংগতা ভাৱটো মোৰ মনৰ পৰা প্ৰায় নোহোৱা হৈ যোৱাৰ দৰেই।তেওঁলোকৰ এই প্ৰচেষ্টা সুদুৰপ্ৰসাৰী হওক-সেইটোৱেই কামনা কৰোঁ ।

দিপালী বৰবৰা

অৱসৰপ্ৰাপ্ত জিলা ন্যায়াধীশ

When I heard about ANTORIK SONJOG I wasn't at all interested. But when I was introduced with Mrs Papori Borthakur I was astonished. Really she is a beautiful lady, deals with people very sympathetically. She felt my difficulties with utmost care and priorities and solved .This is amazing. I want every success of the organisation.

Sunanda  Chaudhuri

 Rtd. Asst Register  Of Co-op societies


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'গণ অধিকাৰ কাকত'ত আমাৰ ৱেবচাইট উন্মোচনীৰ বাতৰি
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'দৈনিক অসম' কাকতত আমাৰ ৱেবচাইট উন্মোচনীৰ বাতৰি
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'দৈনন্দিন বাৰ্তা'কাকতত আমাৰ ৱেবচাইট উন্মোচনীৰ বাতৰি
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'আমাৰ অসম' কাকতত আমাৰ ৱেবচাইট উন্মোচনীৰ বাতৰি
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বিশিষ্ট কবি তথা অসম আৰক্ষীৰ যুটীয়া আয়ুক্ত পাৰ্থ সাৰথি মহন্তই 'আন্তৰিক সংযোগ'ৰ নামত উৎসৰ্গা কৰা কবিতাটো যিটো পৰৱৰ্ত্তী পয্যায়ত প্ৰৱীণ শিল্পী কুলদা কুমাৰ ভট্ৰাচাৰ্য্যই আবৃত্তি কৰি অন্য এক মাত্ৰা প্ৰদান কৰিছিল।
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News published in Assam Tribune paper about our website inauguration programme
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'অসমীয়া প্ৰতিদিন' কাকতত আমাৰ ৱেবচাইট উন্মোচনীৰ বাতৰি
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'দৈনিক বাতৰি' কাকতত আমাৰ ৱেবচাইট উন্মোচনীৰ বাতৰি
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'অসমীয়া খবৰ' কাকতত আমাৰ ৱেবচাইট উন্মোচনীৰ বাতৰি
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'দৈনিক অগ্ৰদূত' কাকতত আমাৰ ৱেবচাইট উন্মোচনীৰ বাতৰি

We are located at

Porag Das Path, House No. 8
P.O – Bamunimaidan, P.S Chandmari, Guwahati
Dist – Kamrup (M), Assam
Pin – 781021
